New Submission Rules and NSFW content

Written by Harley Hicks on March 20, 2019

Today I have launched 2 big features necessary to keep the community safe.

Submission rules

The first are the submission rules. After several weeks of debate and consultation, I have narrowed down the submission rules to these:

  1. Include your own work - Your Shortcut must only contain your own work and content you have been allowed to reproduce.
  2. Include proper attribution - If some of your Shortcut is copied or borrowed from another shortcut, proper attribution must be placed in a note action inside the Shortcut at the top.
  3. Description and title must clearly explain what the shortcut does - Descriptions and titles that intentionally conceal high-risk and/or malicious actions violate this rule.
  4. Do not link to illegally hosted content - Do not include links to places that violate copyright law, such as torrent sites or free streaming sites.
  5. Mark as NSFW if necessary - If your shortcut contains NSFW (not safe for work), or adult content (18+), it must be marked as such.
  6. Do not gather data from a user's device without permission - User data is owned by the user. Do not gather data and send it to yourself in any way without the user's permission.

If an uploaded shortcut violates one of these rules, it will be deleted. Repeat offenders will be banned.

NSFW tagging

The second new feature is NSFW tagging. As you noticed in the submission rules above, #5 says you must mark your shortcut NSFW is necessary. Now when you create or edit a shortcut, you'll see a new checkbox near the bottom that allows you to mark the shortcut as NSFW.

A Shortcut marked NSFW will be hidden from all users by default. However, in your settings, you can turn on NSFW content.

What this means for you

If you're an author: There will be a 10 day grace period to either modify your shortcuts to adhere to the rules. After that it will face deletion.

If you're a user: NSFW content will be hidden unless you are logged in and your NSFW setting is enabled in your settings.

Why the change?

After much debate on Reddit and on the Discord server, I've decided to implement more features that will help keep users safe.

Moving forward

This is just the beginning. More features will be coming in the next few weeks that will make RoutineHub a safer placer for all of us.