Best utility shortcuts for Minecraft

We all know the famous Minecraft game, an open-world game where you can make practically anything you can imagine, from a simple shelter to spend the night, to a fantastic fortress. In Minecraft imagination is the limit and many players have gone beyond what the game allows with the creation of Mods, so this time we are going to present you the best shortcuts of utilities in Minecraft.
Minecraft Studio
This tool is designed to be a useful companion for any Minecraft content creator on iOS, it contains useful things like vanilla behavior download and cool resource packs for customization.There are also plenty of links to useful online resources, which are useful for new and long-term creators alike. Also includes game sound effects.
Useful features:
- Pack Manifest Compiler: creates a .manifest file for you with no coding knowledge Seed Generator: generates a random seed following the same rules as if it were in the game.
- Pack content section, which allows you to prepare Minecraft creations for publishing/sharing.
- Generate UUID, which takes a fresh UUID from for package creation.
- JSON Validator window, which does not require exiting the application.
- Text Styler, which takes a text input and adds extra styling for in-game text boxes, such as world names, signs and chat.
- Nether portal calculator, which calculates the location of your portal in the outer world or the Nether based on coordinates.
- Mojang API functions, such as API system status checking.
Ultimate Minecraft shortcut
Ultimate minecraft has a lot of utilities in one, it could well be one of the most complete shortcuts found on RoutineHub.
Main Features
- Convert and import map in Mc
- Create map in Mc
- Find potion recipe
- Encode and decode in galactic alphabet (the enchantment table alphabet)
- Download texture pack, shaders and cheats.
- Tutorials to use the preceding feature
- Generate basic commands