Resize Video to Target Size: Routinehub's shortcut to re-encode video files on MacOS with ffmpeg

Resize Video to Target Size: Routinehub's shortcut to re-encode video files on MacOS with ffmpeg

If you've ever tried to send a video file and encountered a size limit or compatibility issue, you've probably tried to re-encode it to a smaller size or a different format. But doing it manually can be a tedious and time-consuming process. That's where Resize Video to Target Size comes in, a shortcut from Routinehub that allows you to re-encode video files to a specific size with ffmpeg on macOS. In this article, we'll explore how this shortcut works and how it can save you time and effort when re-encoding your video files.

What is Resize Video to Target Size?


Resize Video to Target Size is a Routinehub shortcut that uses the ffmpeg command line tool to re-encode video files to a specific size. You can specify the desired output size in pixels or in percent, as well as the output format. You can also choose whether you want to keep the original aspect ratio of the video or crop and rescale the video to fit the desired output size.

Why use Resize Video to Target Size?

Manually re-encoding a video file can be a tedious and time-consuming process. You would have to learn how to use a command line tool like ffmpeg, type the correct commands and execute them in the terminal. Even if you are already an experienced ffmpeg user, you would still have to go through the process of determining which parameters to use and how best to re-encode the video. Resize Video to Target Size eliminates the need to do all that. You simply enter the desired parameters in the shortcut and it takes care of the rest.

How to use Resize Video to Target Size

To use Resize Video to Target Size, you need to have ffmpeg installed on your Mac. If you don't have it installed yet, you can do it with Homebrew by running the following command in the terminal:

brew install ffmpeg

Once you have ffmpeg installed, download the Routinehub shortcut and open it in the Shortcuts app on your Mac. You will be prompted to enter some configuration options before running the shortcut. Here's how each of these options works:

  • Input file: enter the location of the video file you want to re-encode. You can click the file select button to browse for it on your computer.
  • Output Size: enter the desired output size in pixels or percentage. If you enter a number followed by the letter "p", it will be interpreted as a percentage. Otherwise, it will be interpreted as a value in pixels. For example, "720p" would mean an output size of 720 pixels wide, while "50%" would mean halving the video size.
  • Output format: the default output format is MP4.
  • Aspect Ratio: select whether you want to keep the original aspect ratio of the video or crop and rescale the video to fit the desired output size. If you select "Yes", the video will be cropped and rescaled to fit the output size, which may result in a different aspect ratio than the original. If you select "No", the video will be scaled while maintaining its original aspect ratio, which may leave gaps at the edges or make the video look smaller than expected.
  • Once you have entered the desired settings, press the "Run" button and the shortcut will start re-encoding the video. The shortcut will use ffmpeg to re-encode the video and save it to the location specified in the output file option.

Advantages of using Resize Video to Target Size

Using Resize Video to Target Size has several advantages over manually re-encoding video files. Below are some of the main advantages of using this shortcut:

  • Time saver: the shortcut eliminates the need to learn how to use ffmpeg and type the re-encoding commands manually. All you need to do is enter the desired configuration options and run the shortcut. This can save you a lot of time compared to manual re-encoding.
  • Ease of use: The shortcut interface is simple and easy to understand. No previous ffmpeg or command line experience is required to use Resize Video to Target Size.
  • Customization: The shortcut allows you to specify the desired output size, output format and desired aspect ratio. This means you can customize the re-encoding to suit your specific needs.
  • Automation: If you have to re-encode video files regularly, you can create an automated workflow using Resize Video to Target Size. For example, you can create a shortcut on your iPhone's home screen to automatically re-encode videos that are loaded into a specific folder.


If you need to re-encode video files regularly, Resize Video to Target Size is a shortcut that can save you a lot of time and effort. With this tool, you can specify the desired output size and the desired aspect ratio, and the shortcut will take care of the rest. You no longer have to learn how to use ffmpeg or type the re-encoding commands manually. Instead, you can quickly and easily re-encode video files using Resize Video to Target Size.