Swing Updater: an alternative for keeping your shortcuts updated

Swing Updater: an alternative for keeping your shortcuts updated

Swing Updater

What is Swing Updater?

Swing Updater is a clean, powerful, beautiful and functional updater for your shortcuts, it’s easy to integrate (2 integration methods) and easy to use.


Summing up

Swing Updater is a full feature updater for your shortcuts.

Why Swing Updater

Because Swing Updater is clean, powerful, beautiful and functional, and:

All versions support!

Swing Updater is one of the few updaters that support all the type of versions, since normal versions like 2.0 to multi decimal 7.9.1 and fully worded versions like alpha or beta, no matter what version you put, Swing Updater will always show you that you have an Update or a Rollback.

UpdaterMulti Decimal Support
Swing UpdaterYes
Check For UpdatesYes
Swing Updater [S]Yes
Swing Updater [E]Yes
QuickUpdaterYes (0Masking!!)
LightningUpdateYes (0Masking!!)
Update Center (Mine)No
Updates Check AutoYes (without update engine)

Shortcuts without an Update Engine or shortcuts with 0Masking can't distinguish an Update from an Rollback!!!

Swing Engine

Magic and functionality is possible because of Swing Engine, this JavaScript Engine allows Swing Updater to recognize Updates from Rollbacks, one decimal from multi decimal and numbers from words. Updaters with Update Engines are more stable and work better than updaters without update engines or updaters with 0Masking.

Update, Skip it or install it later!

They choose, Swing Updater let’s the users to choose if they want to update/rollback, skip that version until a new one is released or just ignore it to install it later.

SFU - Swing For Updates

SFU is a revolutionary update method that simplifies your update checking because it checks for updates in all the compatible shortcuts, when finished, SFU will display the list of all the updates/rollbacks available (similar to Check For Updates). To check for Swing Updater updates you need to use this tool.


Are you looking for a pretty interface? Swing Updater has a clean and one of the most beautiful interfaces made with icons, this helps new shortcut users updating shortcuts. Swing Updater has 2 themes, Swing and Modern, both themes were made in Photoshop by me and they fit the iOS style and Swing Updater interface.


Because of the users, Swing Updater is one of the most popular updaters in RoutineHub, probably your users already have it installed!

Fast SFU Returning

When running SFU for the second time (4 hours or less between the first run) Swing Updater will ask you if you want to load the SFU presented in the first run or Check For Updates again!

System Updates

Swing Updater is the first updater that check for updates for your shortcuts and checks for iOS/iPadOS updates! This feature is in SFU so if you run it and System Update appears in the list, it’s because an update is available.

RoutineHub, ShareShortcuts, Anywhere

Do you want to publish your shortcut in another place? Like ShareShortcuts or in your Server? Ok, it’s alright, Swing Updater supports the 2 most famous Shortcut Sharing Websites and even your server if you want it too!

Updates without leaving

You probably had updaters before that open Safari and require you to click in “Get Shortcut” on iCloud page to download the update, Swing Updater automatically updates your shortcut and doesn’t open Safari!

Multi-Language Support

It’s Swing Updater, Atualizador Swing or Swing 更新器. Whatever is your language, Swing Updater know how to talk it, just select it in the Setup screen and (like French people say) voila, Swing Updater it’s in your language.

Developer Tools

Swing API

You can get the information about an update or know what Swing Updater version the user is running using Swing API, there are 2 API's:

CheckFU - Get information about an update if it is available.

SUVerCheck - Get the version of Swing Updater that the user is running.


Swing Updater has 2 integrations, the normal integration and the SFU integration, you can know more about them with Swing Integration Example shortcut (Check bellow).

Result Codes

Do you want to run specific actions depending on what the user have chosen? When Swing Updater stops running, it will output some result codes. (You can know more about Result codes with Swing Integration Example shortcut).

Developer features

Developers have lots of features to personalize Swing Updater to their needs, like Silent Mode, Custom Icons (Update/Rollback prompt), remove the “Congratulations, no updates were found” alert and even more!!.

Custom Icons

If you ever looked to Swing Updater Update/Rollback interface, you probably noticed about that beautiful icons, but sometimes it doesn’t combine with your shortcut interface. Now imagine that Update/Rollback interface but with icons matching your shortcut, it will look better right? That’s why Swing Updater allows you to do that and even more! (You can know more about Custom Icons with the Swing Integration Example shortcut).

Don’t check frequently

With Swing Updater you are able to check for updates once a day or once a week or how many days apart you want! Just check the documentation webpage to know how this feature works.

Connected Experiences

Users can Check for Updates in your shortcut or by running SFU (Only if you have the normal integration, if you have the normal integration you don’t need the SFU integration because Swing Updater automatically prepares it for you).


Swing Updater main purpose isn’t speed but it’s always welcome, Swing Updater takes 1 second to check for updates on iPhone XR 64GB iOS 13.2 (Normal Mode). SFU speed varies depending on how much Swing Updater compatible shortcuts you have.

How to integrate it?

Here you can find all the information you need and here you can find a basic integration. Thanks for choosing and checking Swing Updater!!